Fairy Tail theme: ShaNa - Lonely Person

On this chilly night when I'm a lonely person
There's only one thing I think of: just you
Because my heart still hurts too much about saying goodbye
I'll go to sleep repressing how much I miss you

I wish to hear your voice now
I think dearly of your arms now
If the days in which I can't see you continue on
Then maybe I'd rather say goodbye like this
The very road itself is long and distant and has no answers
That's why I need a powerful proof to believe in now
So please, just for a little while is fine
Hug me now, because I feel like I'm about to freeze

On this chilly night when I'm a lonely person
There's only one thing I think of: just you
Because my heart still hurts too much about saying goodbye
I'll go to sleep repressing how much I miss you

Everyday, within the same daily life
I was healed by your smile again and again
Because I miss you, I'm thinking of excuses
Despite not wanting to say goodbye, I'm thinking of the end
If I express it as my heart likes
I'm sure you'll give me a concerned look
Because I understand your feelings so much that it hurts
I'll leave things as they are, before my heart freezes up

In the starless sky I see as a lonely person
There's only one thing I think of: just you
I already know that things mustn't stay like this
I've got to hurry up and return them to where they should go back to

If we can meet again someday, somewhere
Since I want to have memories better than sorrow
I'll promise you
that we'll be able to laugh always in the future beyond now

I thinking better just stay with you
Your voice... Your arms...
I can't stop loving you...
The days in which I can't see you...
Naruto Shippuuden theme: FLOW - Sign

~ revolution: rukia

these stuff seriously happened accidentally.. literally speakin.haha! (n_n)
before the paint: rukia project was successfully complete..
i used to try drawin somethin using paint but all of 'em failed
either it turned out to be somethin close to meaningless or it turned out into nothin.. (--")
well, typically, failure crushed my ambitions.. =P
*obviously, i don't have sky high determination, right? haha.. (--")
then miraculously, in the middle of the night when everybody's sleepin soundly..
stayin up alone with such boredom, i could have just slept but nooo..
i keep forcing myself to stay up for no particular reason.. (--")
*i've no idea of what to do sometimes, that i feel like my head's empty.. (--")
constantly refreshin my facebook 'home' tab,

i suddenly noticed kuchiki rukia, the default picture
i just love the way the picture is.. the angle of her body, the face in particular..
the way she's starin sideways, the way her lips are..
that combination always makes me feel that if she were alive, and makin this exact posture..
she'd actually be sayin somethin like "heh! yeah rite..".. you know what i mean? (--")
i mean, seems like she's sarcastically mockin someone silently..
*if you still have no idea of what im sayin, let it be.. (--") it's just the way i see things..
haha! makes me feel silly typin all this.. (--")
so, my fondness of that picture gives me an idea of tryin to 'copy' it in some way..
in this case, microsoft paint came to mind suddenly
so i started paint: rukia project immediately
and because i succeeded sketchin on the first try, it got me worked up
the days afterwards were filled with attempts
to finish the paint: rukia project within the shortest time possible
and with that kinda speed and anxiousness plus with fueled up determination..
paint: rukia project was complete in less than a week.. \[^.^]/
well, to put it simply, the success of paint: rukia project
ignited my spirit to draw using paint.hehe.. (n_n)
therefore, i now present to you guys the rukia album.. my first drawin project! [^.^]

~ interestin intro?

as i was crackin my head for ideas, somethin struck me like lightnin
that helped me make up my mind in choosin what to do which relates to the blog's theme
*credits goes to Lynda Salim for the idea.. =D
so, for my blog project, i'll be showin that.. -drumrolls-
learnin how to paint an anime character's head
using microsoft paint (vista version or lower) is fun
*what an intro, such a long title.. (--")
i'll show step by step, from the sketchin stage to the shadin stage for every character
you know, i actually planned to 'screen record' while doin this,
*'screen record'..haha =D i dunno the exact term.
if not mistaken it's 'screencast'? whatever.. =P
but every software downloaded wasn't compatible in one way or another with my computer
*such a waste.. (--")
well, guess it's fated that i gotta do it manually..
i'll be makin an animated video of the drawings if i feel like doin it.. (n_n)

~ learnin is fun?!

that's basically the theme that we got for this blog project
as stated in facebook, bein computer science kids allows lecturers to get us worked up
to create a blog with a theme that is obviously.. err.. 'undefined'? (--")
drainin my brain out for ideas to match the theme makes me think that..
learnin will be fun when it is fun.haha =D.. get what i mean? (--")
it actually comes down to the mindset of an individual
some learnin techniques might appear to be fun to a person but not to another
its exactly like the sayin, 'one man's poison is another one's cure'
*not sure if it's right but it does have the same concept though.haha.. =P
so, what i'm tryin to say is that..
*i actually dunno what else to say. just beatin round the bush.. (--")
you can't force someone to have fun learnin somethin he thinks aint fun.. at all
*the same situation goes with Ethnic Relations subject.. what a shame.. T_T
well, like i said before.. it's all in your mind..
you can actually learn to like somethin you dislike if you think that you like it..
*i know it sounds ridiculous.. (--") it's like hypnotisin yourself into believin somethin
what i wanna say is.. if u think you can, you can do it! haha.. (--")